St. Anne is a very welcoming community where we not only worship together but also eat together!
St. Gianna Banquette provides us an unique opportunity to mingle and know our brothers and sisters who come to St. Anne after 8 am and 10:30 am mass on certain Sundays. Who is St. Gianna Beretta Molla? Click here.
You can check the dates and our generous communities which organize the food below.
*Sunday after 8 am and 10:30 am mass
6.3.18 Santo Tomas (Arzolas) 6.24.18 (8am) San Juan Gabriel (Lupita Malo) (10:30am) Anglos 7.15.18 Divina Providencia (Goyo) 8.5.18 San Francisco de Asís (Zarate) 8.26.18 Huellas de Jesus (Fidel Villanueva) 9.23.18 Santísima Trinidad (Cesar) 10.28.18 Anglos (Mary Jo and John Farley) 11.4.18 Escuela tamales (Lucy) 11.18.18 San Judas de Tadeo (Maria Arteaga) 12.16.18 Anglos (Mary Jo and John Farley) 1.13.19 Escuelas Tamales (Lucy Reyes) 1.27.19 Divina Providencia (Goyo) 2.10.19 Señor de Misericordia (Bella) 2.24.19 Escuelas Tamales (Lucy Reyes) **3.6.19 (Ash wed/Miercores de ceniza) **4.21.19 (Easter/Pascua) 5.5.19 San Juan Gabriel (Lupita Malo) 5.19.19 CYM (Juanita and Ronny Escovedo) 6.2.19 Santo Tomas (Arzolas) 6.23.19 Santísima Trinidad (Cesar)